Make an Appointment

Struell Surgery Services

Doctors Appointments

Call after 8:30 am on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday…

Practice Nurse

The Practice Nurse offers appointments for smears, asthma and COPD…

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

To book an appointment with the Advanced Nurse Practitioner, you…


To book an appointment with the Physiotherapist, you may call…

Social Worker

To book an appointment with a Social Worker, you may…

Mental Health Worker

The Mental Health Worker only works on Thursdays and Fridays.…

Adult & Childhood Vaccination Clinic

To book an appointment with the Adult Vaccination Clinic, you…

Treatment Room Appointments

To book an appointment with the Treatment room, you may…

Minor Surgical Procedures

Minor surgery appointments are to be booked by organising an…

Out of Hours

After 6.00pm until 8.30am the next morning Monday to Friday…

Make an Appointment